Tom Clemens

About the author

Tom is a seasoned journalist with a profound interest in science and technology. Throughout his career he has covered the U.S. Space program, advances in aeronautics and applied sciences. He has worked and voice talent for several documentaries and instructional videos for clients such as NASA, the Smithsonian Institution and Lockheed Martin. Tom has worked with The Voice of America, CNN, Turner, TNT and NBC Universal; currently he works as Executive Producer of digital features for several networks in the United States, Latin America and Europe. He has a degree in Broadcast Journalism.

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The Difference Between Upload and Download Speeds: Why It Matters

When you’re online, you do two things: send data and receive data. Sending is called uploading, and receiving is called downloading. So when you shop for an internet service provider, the speed you’re buying is the rate at which you will be able to perform the tasks you want

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What Are Smart Plugs? An Affordable Start to Home Automation

Smart plugs are a relatively simple piece of technology that allow you to turn power outlets on and off remotely with your phone.