What You Need To Know About Medical Tech Wearable Security
Wearable devices—like smartwatches and fitness trackers—increasingly are being used to monitor health and inform medical care. While they’re undeniably useful, this does bring with it a range of valid security and privacy concerns. Let’s explore some of the big issues with medical wearable technology.The benefits of medical wearablesConsumer medical
What’s New and What’s Coming in Wearable Tech
There are few things as futuristic as wearable technology. Smartphones are just attractive, portable computers. A smart ring that tracks your sleep and a smart bikini that tells you when you’ve had too much sun? That’s something much cooler.Here's some of the most exciting new wearable tech that’s available
Pick a Cool Tech Gadget To Give Yourself
If you’re into cool tech, things can be pretty overwhelming. Every year, thousands of awesome (or at least awesome-sounding) new gadgets are unveiled. It’s almost impossible to keep track of what’s great, what’s awful and what you might even want. How about some help?This is a list of some
Smart Home Devices for Your Parents
With a lot of us staying home and staying apart these days, helping out our parents can be a stressful challenge. You may know about the smart home devices and new technologies that are out there to make your own life easier, but for your tech-averse parents? Here are
Helping a Senior Stay Healthy? Think Wearables
There's a huge population of seniors who could benefit from monitoring their health with wearable technology. If you're helping care for a senior, you know that overcoming their anxieties about technology and privacy is your big hurdle. Would you love to get them on board? Here are some ideas